Exercise: Practice Giving Feedback
Pick Scenario 1 or 2. Choose who will be the giver and who will be the receiver of feedback.
- The receiver should practice being a little defensive (offer light pushback) about the feedback.
- The giver will take 8-10 min to write feedback using the SBI+ framework. The receiver will think about how to offer light pushback.
- The listener will make notes and share feedback on their feedback if your group has time.
Scenario 1:
You observe two coworkers arguing to a point where neither side is hearing one another. One of the coworkers is agitated and continues to belabor their point despite the other wanting to end the conversation. The argument ends and both go their separate ways with the issue unresolved. How might you provide feedback to the one person who belabored the argument?
Scenario 2:
A colleague keeps interrupting you when you’re speaking in a meeting. How might you give them feedback on how it makes you feel? What would change look like?